ASC Business Office Staff Tasklists: Admitting Receptionist

These tips, part of an ongoing series that identifies ASC business office staff positions and provides suggested responsibilities for auditing purposes and evaluating employee progress, focus on the Admitting Receptionist.

Admitting Receptionist

1. Answers all incoming phone calls and directs to correct department or person.

2. Completes accurate messages when person unavailable and distributes to appropriate personnel when they become available.

3. Responsible for having all patients and families sign in and record time of arrival.

4. Distributes appropriate forms to patients for review and completion.

5. Notifies pre-op or admitting that patient has arrived.

6. Responsible for collection of pre-procedure payments.

7. Verifies accuracy of all demographic and insurance information in software system with patient; makes necessary corrections.

8. Copies/scans insurance cards and patient identification, such as driver’s license or state-issued identification.

9. Responsible for keeping track of families of procedural patients so that physician will be able to speak to family members when procedure complete.

10. Opens all mail and distributes to appropriate areas/persons.

11. Responsible for coffee and supplies in reception area.

12. Responsible for keeping reception/waiting area tidy.

Additional tasks and responsibilities which may be assigned to the admitting receptionist include:

Business Office Supplies

1. Keep a running inventory of business office supplies.

2. Phone/fax orders to office supply company.

3. Keep track of best prices on common supplies (e.g., copier paper, labels, paper clips).

4. Check on availability of special orders.

5. Follow up on any back orders.

6. Keep office supply catalogs current.

7. Check invoices and correct any errors.

8. Stock received office supplies.

Electronic Charts

1. Ensure all necessary documentation has been received and recorded (history and physical, pertinent physician reports, laboratory or radiology reports, etc.).

2. Ensure all demographic and insurance information is completed.

Physical Charts

1. Make chart form packets on a regular basis; copy forms and sort into groups.

2. At least the day before, assemble all charts for the following day’s patients

3. Make and apply identification label for outside of medical chart.

4. Put year label on chart.

5. Print sufficient labels for all forms in medical chart and apply to each page; include extra labels in chart.

6. Print face/demographic sheet.

7. Sort all forms into proper charts and put in medical records folder.

8. Store in a locked area until patient arrives for pre-op or procedure or until admitting/pre-op nurse needs access.

The next set of tips in this series will focus on the Medical Records Specialist. Access other tips in this series on ASC business office staff tasklists.

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